
no.75space is located in the center of Limassol and is a fully equipped Pilates studio offering high quality one-on-one sessions and group classes. We believe that no two bodies are the same and our mission is to work with each student as an individual with unique needs and goals.

We welcome people of all ages and levels of physical ability.

no.75space is available 5 days a week from 6:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Both Men's and Ladie's dressing rooms feature lockers to secure your belongings as well as showers for your convenience.

Sessions & Pricing

We offer Pilates equipment training in a small group setting, maximum of 4 people, as well as private instruction.

We also hold group mat classes of 10 people maximum.

Private and Duet Sessions

Group Sessions

no.75space strives to maintain an attention to personal details in small group classes with no more than 7 people in classes


single class €20
5 class card €90
10 class card €150
20 class card €260
single class €50
3 class card €135
5 class card €215
10 class card €400
single class €35
3 class card €90
5 class card €140
10 class card €250
20 class card €450

All sessions must be attended within two months of purchase.

Weekly Schedule

Private and Duet sessions by appointment.

Install our mobile app for Group sessions schedule.



To buy and book your classes please download the app and create an account.
Username newmember
Password S75001

Reformer & Wunda chair

Our small group equipment class have a max of 4 students. This class tones every muscle group as well as the abs and core.

Core Align

We offer Private and Duet Core Align sessions

Core Align is unlike anything else you have tried. The fast paced exercises and flow will give you a cardio kick and challenge major muscle groups.

Clients at all fitness levels will feel the difference after one session.

The CoreAlign method stimulates core stability muscles to fire in perfect timing while performing challenging exercises.very deep streches and core controlled aerobic training.


Thesalonikis 75
3025 Limassol Cyprus
+357 99829177